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This function cleans raw Vessel Monitoring System, VMS, data column files, eliminate NULL values in coordinates, parse dates, and returns a data.frame.





it can be a path to the file downloaded or the data object itself. If function is used with a path it adds a file column to the returning data.frame object that stores the name of the file as a reference.


A data.frame


It takes a raw data file downloaded using the vms_download() function by specifying directly its path or by referencing a data.frame already stored as an R object. If path is used, column with the name of the raw file is conveniently added as future reference. It also split date into three new columns year, month, day, and retains the original date column. This function can be used with apply functions over a list of files or it can be paralleled using furrr functions.


# Using sample dataset, or a data.frame already stored as an object
# It is possible to use a path directly as argument

cleaned_vms <- vms_clean(sample_dataset)
#> Cleaned: 969 empty rows from data! 
#> # A tibble: 6 × 13
#>      id  year month   day date                vessel_name    RNP   port_…¹ owner
#>   <int> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <dttm>              <chr>          <chr> <chr>   <chr>
#> 1     1  2019     1    10 2019-01-10 03:59:00 EUROPESCA IV   54809 MAZATL… EURO…
#> 2     2  2019     1    10 2019-01-10 18:04:00 TABASCO 454    27041 FRONTE… ARMA…
#> 3     3  2019     1     1 2019-01-01 19:37:00 AVENTURERO     63677 TAMPICO EDGA…
#> 4     4  2019     1     8 2019-01-08 12:06:00 DON ANTONIO P… 17392 MAZATL… PESQ…
#> 5     5  2019     1    10 2019-01-10 06:08:00 PESCAMEX 14    45526 PROGRE… PESC…
#> 6     6  2019     1     4 2019-01-04 05:41:00 DON QUINTIN II 30619 TAMPICO LUIS…
#> # … with 4 more variables: latitude <dbl>, longitude <dbl>, speed <dbl>,
#> #   direction <dbl>, and abbreviated variable name ¹​port_base