Updating Mean Trophic levels of a genera from FishBase

I recently had the necessity to update the Trophic Levels on our Rocky Reefs Monitoring database. Thus, i wondered if an automatic way to access FishBase existed. It obviously does exist in the magnificent package rfishbase.

I then searched for an easy tutorial on how to calculate mean Trophic Levels in r, and i found this “blog post”. The blog post gave me a great head start. However, it is not currently fully reproducible, so I decided to update the code. Also, I added the possibility to add aand b parameters used to calculate fish biomass.

Let’s begin! First let’s install the rfishbase package and loading it in r

# install.packages("rfishbase")

library("rfishbase") # R Interface to 'FishBase'

I also load the tidyverse package wrapple to wrangle the datasets.

library(tidyverse) # Easily Load the 'Tidyverse', CRAN v1.3.0 

Following the same workflow from the post, I will find Trophic Levels of all groupers (Serranidae) in the fishbase database.

groupers <- fishbase %>%
      filter(Family == "Serranidae") %>%
      mutate(gensp = paste(Genus, Species))

## Rows: 537
## Columns: 13
## $ SpecCode     <int> 351, 12690, 59850, 65330, 15036, 15038, 50141, 15040, ...
## $ Genus        <chr> "Acanthistius", "Acanthistius", "Acanthistius", "Acant...
## $ Species      <chr> "brasilianus", "cinctus", "fuscus", "joanae", "ocellat...
## $ SpeciesRefNo <int> 7392, 5755, 40817, 83528, 7300, 7300, 27363, 7300, 906...
## $ FBname       <chr> "Argentine seabass", "Yellowbanded perch", "Rapanui se...
## $ SubFamily    <chr> "Anthiinae", "Anthiinae", "Anthiinae", "Anthiinae", "A...
## $ FamCode      <int> 289, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289,...
## $ GenCode      <int> 1020, 1020, 1020, 1020, 1020, 1020, 1020, 1020, 1020, ...
## $ SubGenCode   <int> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA...
## $ Family       <chr> "Serranidae", "Serranidae", "Serranidae", "Serranidae"...
## $ Order        <chr> "Perciformes", "Perciformes", "Perciformes", "Percifor...
## $ Class        <chr> "Actinopterygii", "Actinopterygii", "Actinopterygii", ...
## $ gensp        <chr> "Acanthistius brasilianus", "Acanthistius cinctus", "A...

The next step is to extract the information about the Trophic Levels for each species, it is now where the difference from the previous blog occurs. In the newest version of the ecology function you need to specify also the Species name column. We will need this to merge the dataset with the groupers species list dataframe.

groupers_TL <- ecology(groupers$gensp, fields = c("Species", "DietTroph"))

## Rows: 537
## Columns: 2
## $ Species   <chr> "Acanthistius brasilianus", "Acanthistius cinctus", "Acan...
## $ DietTroph <dbl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 4.23, NA, NA, NA, 3.58, N...

As a bonus I also add another trait to the database to get a and b parameters to calculate species biomass if needed. Insead of searching in the ecology table of rfishbase we use the length_weight() function to access length trait data.

ab <- length_weight(groupers$gensp, fields = c("Species", "a", "b"))

## Rows: 820
## Columns: 3
## $ Species <chr> "Acanthistius brasilianus", "Acanthistius cinctus", "Acanth...
## $ a       <dbl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 0.10380, NA, NA, 0.02990, N...
## $ b       <dbl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 2.49700, NA, NA, 3.00000, N...

We’re almost there! We now merge the all parameters, the Trophic Levels, a and b into a grouper_traits data frame using the merge() function from the tidyverse.

groupers_traits <- merge(groupers_TL, ab)

## Rows: 820
## Columns: 4
## $ Species   <chr> "Acanthistius brasilianus", "Acanthistius cinctus", "Acan...
## $ DietTroph <dbl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 4.23, NA, NA, NA, 3.58, N...
## $ a         <dbl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 0.10380, NA, NA, 0.02990,...
## $ b         <dbl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 2.49700, NA, NA, 3.00000,...

We then merge the traits with the groupers species list. Note that since full species scientific notation is stored in different column names in the two data.frames, we need to specify the by.x and by.y parameters in the merge function.

d2 <- merge(groupers, groupers_traits, by.x = "gensp", by.y = "Species")

## Rows: 820
## Columns: 16
## $ gensp        <chr> "Acanthistius brasilianus", "Acanthistius cinctus", "A...
## $ SpecCode     <int> 351, 12690, 59850, 65330, 15036, 15038, 50141, 15040, ...
## $ Genus        <chr> "Acanthistius", "Acanthistius", "Acanthistius", "Acant...
## $ Species      <chr> "brasilianus", "cinctus", "fuscus", "joanae", "ocellat...
## $ SpeciesRefNo <int> 7392, 5755, 40817, 83528, 7300, 7300, 27363, 7300, 906...
## $ FBname       <chr> "Argentine seabass", "Yellowbanded perch", "Rapanui se...
## $ SubFamily    <chr> "Anthiinae", "Anthiinae", "Anthiinae", "Anthiinae", "A...
## $ FamCode      <int> 289, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289,...
## $ GenCode      <int> 1020, 1020, 1020, 1020, 1020, 1020, 1020, 1020, 1020, ...
## $ SubGenCode   <int> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA...
## $ Family       <chr> "Serranidae", "Serranidae", "Serranidae", "Serranidae"...
## $ Order        <chr> "Perciformes", "Perciformes", "Perciformes", "Percifor...
## $ Class        <chr> "Actinopterygii", "Actinopterygii", "Actinopterygii", ...
## $ DietTroph    <dbl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 4.23, NA, NA, NA, 3.58...
## $ a            <dbl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 0.10380, NA, NA, 0.029...
## $ b            <dbl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 2.49700, NA, NA, 3.000...

Last step! We want R to get the traits when available, and use the average of the genus when not available. We will achieve this using the ifelse() function in the mutate() step below. This will add the needed columns of trophic_levels, a, and bparameters.

d3 <- d2 %>%
      group_by(Genus) %>%
            mntroph = mean(DietTroph, na.rm = T),
            a_mean = mean(a, na.rm = T),
            b_mean = mean(b, na.rm = T)
      ) %>%
      ungroup() %>%
            trophall = ifelse(is.na(DietTroph), mntroph, DietTroph),
            a_all = ifelse(is.na(a), a_mean, a),
            b_all = ifelse(is.na(b), b_mean, b)
      ) %>%
      select(Species = gensp, Family, Order, Class,
             a = a_all, b = b_all, trophic_level = trophall)

## Rows: 820
## Columns: 7
## $ Species       <chr> "Acanthistius brasilianus", "Acanthistius cinctus", "...
## $ Family        <chr> "Serranidae", "Serranidae", "Serranidae", "Serranidae...
## $ Order         <chr> "Perciformes", "Perciformes", "Perciformes", "Percifo...
## $ Class         <chr> "Actinopterygii", "Actinopterygii", "Actinopterygii",...
## $ a             <dbl> 0.10380, 0.10380, 0.10380, 0.10380, 0.10380, 0.10380,...
## $ b             <dbl> 2.49700, 2.49700, 2.49700, 2.49700, 2.49700, 2.49700,...
## $ trophic_level <dbl> 4.23, 4.23, 4.23, 4.23, 4.23, 4.23, 4.23, 4.23, 4.23,...

Let’s check the data from Mycteroperca genus.

d3 %>% 
        filter(str_detect(Species, "Mycteroperca")) %>% 
        select(Species, a, b, trophic_level)
## # A tibble: 34 x 4
##    Species                         a     b trophic_level
##    <chr>                       <dbl> <dbl>         <dbl>
##  1 Mycteroperca acutirostris 0.00772  3             4.34
##  2 Mycteroperca acutirostris 0.013    3.03          4.34
##  3 Mycteroperca bonaci       0.00684  3.20          4.3 
##  4 Mycteroperca bonaci       0.0069   3.15          4.3 
##  5 Mycteroperca bonaci       0.00822  3.14          4.3 
##  6 Mycteroperca bonaci       0.0113   3.05          4.3 
##  7 Mycteroperca bonaci       0.0223   3.11          4.3 
##  8 Mycteroperca bonaci       0.146    2.55          4.3 
##  9 Mycteroperca cidi         0.0173   3.04          4.34
## 10 Mycteroperca fusca        0.00941  3             4.34
## # ... with 24 more rows

All done! Good fishing!

Written on February 17, 2021